The effectiveness of contradiction in the paradoxes of the Fittori


  • Khaled Faiz Yassin University of Diyala- Faculty of Education for Human Sciences



he effectiveness of contradiction, paradox, paradox in literature, the paradoxes of the Veturi


Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best messengers and on his family and companions, and after ...

This study is characterized by the (effectiveness of contrast in vitro poetry) ideas and thoughts gathered in the minds of scholars to establish a line in which to speak of a statement of poetry associated with the moral evidence in his forms and interviews that sense sense in terms of meaning and meaning in accordance with the character of the image is striking, so came the paradoxes of the great poet that His name was associated with Africa before he was associated with his country Sudan, the poet who carried the concerns of a whole country and explored his poetic poem to highlight the most important patriotic poems that sang the love of homelands in accordance with the method of drawing meaning, but an artist who possessed the types of knowledge Bdaia and statement until he got his admiration of the student And we were another title for another study that the Arab library is proud of with some knowledge of the splendor of its poetry.

Due to the nature of the technical study with a descriptive approach, the plan was divided on different topics related to the structure of the study and its problem and the conclusion includes the most important results of the study. The researchers relied on a number of sources and references, including the poet's poetry, the irony of myweek, We ask Allaah to make the payment in the offering and the discussion, and he is the guardian of that and capable of it.


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Linguistics and Arabic literature

How to Cite

Faiz Yassin, K. (2019). The effectiveness of contradiction in the paradoxes of the Fittori. Al-Adab Journal, 128, 57-68.

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