Planning of Urban Land Use of the Schools by Using GIS in Al-Jadeedat District

An Najaf City An Empirical Study


  • Insaf Jafaar Al-Yasiri University of Kufa



urban planning, schools, education, Al-Jadeedat district


Urban planning has an important role in determining the patterns of spatial relations of activities in general and the pattern of spatial concentration of schools in Al-Jadeedat district in particular. It also identifies the reasons for the spatial distribution of schools. Accordingly, the main research question is about the degree of spatial balance of urban land uses for the education sector in Al-Jadeedat district and the relationship of balance to population density. The research aims to show the characteristics of spatial distribution as well as the employment of modern technology represented by GIS in analyzing the efficiency of educational services and their role in making proper planning decisions. The research sheds light on measuring functional efficiency, which showed that the study area suffers from a clear defect in spatial efficiency. Educational services were characterized by their centralization and away from randomness in a way that contradicts the gradient in population densities in the four areas of the study area. There is a severe shortage in the number of kindergartens; there are three only in the city. While primary schools covered approximately (82.04%) of the area, secondary schools covered approximately (96.44 %) of the needs in Al-Jadeedat district. The analysis of the distribution of primary and secondary schools showed a convergent pattern that is close to randomness.


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How to Cite

Al-Yasiri, I. J. (2022). Planning of Urban Land Use of the Schools by Using GIS in Al-Jadeedat District: An Najaf City An Empirical Study. Al-Adab Journal, 1(142), 285-304.

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