Women entrepreneurship in the United Arab Emirates
characteristics, incentives, and challenges
entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurship, attributes, motivators, challenges, United Arab EmiratesAbstract
The study aimed to investigate the current situation of women entrepreneurship in the UAE in terms of the personal, professional and social characteristics of female entrepreneurs, the motives that push them to enter the field of entrepreneurship, and the challenges they face.
To achieve these goals, the study used a survey research method with a targeted sample of 210 businesswomen in the UAE. A survey tool was used to collect data.
The study revealed that female entrepreneurs in the UAE possess a variety of personal, social and professional traits, including determination, flexibility and persuasive abilities. The results also showed that female entrepreneurs are motivated by various factors, including personal success, wealth and status, while Limited job opportunities and divorce emerged as important motivating factors. In addition, the study identified many challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in the UAE, including personal challenges such as lack of marketing skills, as well as environmental challenges such as insufficient start-up capital, and complex government procedures.
The study recommended that female entrepreneurs focus on developing their marketing skills, hiring marketing consultants to help them develop effective marketing strategies, and prioritizing work-life balance by delegating tasks to trusted family members. In addition, emphasis was placed on providing financial support to aspiring women entrepreneurs.
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