Efforts of the Emirate of Sharjah to develop and modernize museums
Emirate of Sharjah, history and civilization of the Emirate of Sharjah, museums sector, Tourism Development AuthorityAbstract
This research focused on studying and analyzing the efforts of an emirate that plays an important role and has a large footprint in the development and modernization of many museums, namely the emirate of Sharjah, which is a witness to the civilization of the United Arab Emirates and which is home to many important monuments and ancient human heritage. The government of Sharjah has been keen to pay special attention to this heritage and to develop it continuously, as well as to establish various institutions closely related to this heritage, convinced of the importance of its position through the ages and the need to anchor its position and status in the minds of different generations. Therefore, the government of Sharjah has made great efforts to develop the museum sector in view of its importance in preserving this heritage and the various monuments that express the history and heritage of the State. In this research, the researcher used a descriptive analytical approach, with the aim of describing and analyzing the efforts of the Emirate of Sharjah and their impact on supporting and developing the museum sector. The inductive method was also used in an attempt to study in depth previous studies of the Emirate's efforts to support the museum sector and the ancient historical remains contained in it.
The study concluded numerous findings, one of which is that the emirate of Sharjah has a unique geographical location, diverse environments, history and ancient civilization that enable it to attract tourists from different countries around the world. The Sharjah government has taken the initiative to build more museums, to continuously develop and upgrade them, and government agencies have played an important role in developing museums and ensuring their compatibility with international quality standards.
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