The Role of Small Projects in Empowering Emirati Women
A social field study
economic empowerment , Emirati Women in Sharjah, small projects, social empowermentAbstract
The study aims to identify the role of small project in empowering Emirati women, in the Emirate of Sharjah. It also examines the small projects managed by Emirati women and the role of government and private institutions in supporting these projects. To this end, the qualitative approach was adopted for this study. A total of (32) interviews were conducted with women entrepreneurs who own a small business in Sharjah. These entrepreneurs have a membership in Ruwad Establishment and received support from the foundation. They also have permits from the Municipality to establish their businesses. The findings of the study reveal that most of the Emirati women business owners confirmed the role of these projects in improving the financial status of the family. From a psychological perspective, the results show that the aim of establishing such projects was to overcome idleness or to gain social status. Moreover, the findings indicate that the economic dimension plans were, mostly, concerned with debts elimination, saving, and rationalizing expenses.
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