Thematic characteristics of the modern vocabulary of state correspondence in the Russian language
composition of the official vocabulary, state correspondence, diplomatic terminology, names of diplomatic documentsAbstract
The official vocabulary of Russian state correspondence is characterized by a high level of saturation with diplomatic terminology and terminology of international law, as well as standardized speech turns.
Special vocabulary is the main core around which the whole document is built in lexical terms from the point of view of belonging to the style. It can include the names of diplomatic institutions, bodies, procedures, officials, diplomatic documents and their parts, etc. The proportion of each lexical layer is not the same. If the common vocabulary makes up the majority of the elements, then the special vocabulary is the "diplomatic background" of the document.
In order to investigate the composition of the official vocabulary of Russian state correspondence as a special fragment of diplomatic discourse, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the question of the thematic groups that are part of it. The formation and development of each lexical macro group is determined by a number of factors, which include the state of language in society and the level of development of the corresponding functional styles.
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