Construction of Training Program According to Swartz Model and its Impact in the Dimensions of Mindfulness to the Teachers of Biology


  • Basim M. Ali AL-Rekabey University of Baghdad - College of Education for Pure Science / Ibn Al-Haitham Department of Biology- Methods of Teaching Biology
  • Haider Maseer Hamadallah, Phd. University of Baghdad - College of Education for Pure Science/Ibn Al-Haitham Department of Biology- Methods of Teaching Biology



training program, (Swartz) model, dimensions of mindfulness


The present research aims to achieve the following:

- Knowing the impact of the training program according to Swartz in the dimension of mindfulness for teachers of biology.

In order to achieve research objectives, the following hypothesis is formulated:

-There is no significant statistical difference at the level of ( 0.05) between the average score of the teachers of biology of the experimental group who were under to the training program according to Swartz model and the average grades of teachers of biology of the controlled group who didn’t undergo the training program according to the dimension of the mindfulness. 

     The researcher adopted the experimental design of two groups, one experimental and the other a partial controlled and the post-test of the dimension of mindfulness of teachers of biology. The research limited to the teachers of biology of the second intermediate class of the Ministry of Education in the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad, Rusafa 1, the research sum for the biology teacher (75) teachers (males and females). The two researchers randomly selected (18) teachers and schools for the experimental group.

     The training program was applied to them and (18)of them for the control group didn’t undergo the training program. So the sample consisted of (36)teachers and schools of biology teachers for the second intermediate grade. The research groups of the biology teachers were satisfied with the variables (scientific qualification, years of working, the courses they were subjected to and the dimensions of mindfulness.

The training program was construction according to Swartz for the three-stages system inputs (evaluation , designing  and planning), and feedback for all stages .It was presented to a group of arbitrators to express their opinions and make appropriate adjustment .The program was designed according to the Swartz model on the experimental group which is included twenty sessions  of  (80 minutes) for each session, and there is a break for (40 minutes) between every two sessions. The program occupied on the  (ZOOM) according  to the Ministry of Education the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad, Rusafa 1,, in the  building of Preparation and Training according to the letter of the ministry (725) in 28/10/2020 in period from 2/11/2020 to 15/11/ 2020, in the morning. 

    The two researchers have prepared the research tool, which is the dimension of mindfulness to measure the mindfulness of the biology teachers of the second intermediate class. It included four fields (alertness to distinction, opening to living, orientation in the present and awareness of multiple perspectives). It is presented to a group of experts arbitrates and the extraction of honesty and consistency and thus became the range of mindfulness, finally, consists of (42) paragraphs divided into four areas. In order to extract the result of the study, the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS 18) and using Microsoft Excel. The statistical methods (T-test) and (KAI-square) were used in the two independent samples, Person Correlation Coefficient, the Coefficient Cronbach Alpha, Coefficient, the Coefficient of difficulty and the coefficient of the discrimination.

     The dimension of the mindfulness was applied upon teachers of biology of both the experimental group and the controlled in the first semester of the academic year (2020-2021). After the statistical processing of data, the result showed the superiority of the biology teachers in the experimental group who were subjected to the training program on teachers of biology in the controlled group who didn’t undergo the training program in the dimension of their mindfulness.

     In the light of that, the two researchers reached a number of conclusions, recommendations and proposal such as:

-The effectiveness of the training program for teachers of biology prepared according to Swartz model and that played a large role in meeting their training needs.

They also reached a number of recommendations, and including:

  • Accreditation of the training program based on the Swartz model in the training programs of teachers of biology in service.
  • Revising by the ministry of education in the training of teachers in service in line with their training needs and scientific and technological development.

The two researchers suggested a sum of studies completing to the right study:

1- The impact of the training program to (Swartz) of the teachers of chemistry and physics in their teaching skills.

2- The impact of the training program to (Swartz) for the students- teachers during preparing their study.


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Educational and psychological sciences

How to Cite

Construction of Training Program According to Swartz Model and its Impact in the Dimensions of Mindfulness to the Teachers of Biology. (2022). Al-Adab Journal, 3(142), 141-166.

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