Grammatical consistency in the novels of Mahdi Issa Al-Saqr
consistency, casting, verbal cohesion, Mahdi Issa Al-SaqrAbstract
This study is based on the text linguistics approach, which is considered the most recent approach that appeared in the second half of the sixties of the last century, aiming to expand on ancient linguistic studies that stopped at the boundaries of the sentence in the study of language to study the text as a linguistic unit capable of analysis.
Text scholars have developed In light of this approach, there are criteria that achieve the textuality of texts and distinguish the text from a group of sentences that do not constitute a text, including grammatical consistency, which is the subject of the research study, it sought to reveal its impact on organizing the structure of the text and creating formal cohesion between its components, taking the novels of Mahdi Issa Al-Saqr as an applied model for this, and in an attempt to reveal the linguistic specificity of its texts, even if they represent an integrated text.
It was organized into an introduction and a preface that included an examination of the lexical and terminological significance of consistency, followed by topic detailing grammatical consistency and its tools in the novels of Mahdi Issa Al-Saqr, then followed by a conclusion, in which the most important results were presented. The means of grammatical consistency have varied in their percentage of occurrence in the text of novels. While some of them increased, such as referral and connection, others decreased, such as substitution and deletion. This confirms that the standard in text construction is a qualitative standard linked to the writer’s novelistic approach and his style in presenting the events of the novel.
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