The Impact of Sound Rhythm on the Constants of Linguistic Patterns and Their BeautyTop of Form
Linguistic patterns, sound rhythm, levels of linguistic analysis, phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical, similarity, deviation, contemporary dialectsAbstract
This study explores one of the language issues, which is the formation of linguistic patterns and their coherence through rhythm and phonetic proportion. Upon examining the available examples and evidence, it becomes clear that its effects are evident at the phonetic, morphological, syntactic, and semantic linguistic levels, playing a prominent role in transitioning from one linguistic pattern to another. It also becomes apparent that the phonetic proportion studied conforms to what the Arabic language allows and corresponds to its system at times while contradicting it at other times. This is in contrast to algebraic proportionality, which requires changes, substitutions, or alterations, as known in linguistic thought regarding issues like assimilation and substitution. As for the mechanism through which rhythm operates, it can be categorized into two directions: the first involves deviation from standard patterns by utilizing language laws to their fullest, such as the laws of similarity, opposition, assimilation, and intonation. The second involves a violation of the standard rule, deviating from it to another pattern without linguistic justification, except for the law of rhythm itself, if its designation as a law is accurate. In essence, both directions represent a linguistic repertoire alongside standard patterns, encompassing linguistic forms at the vocabulary or structural levels, as language has various levels and eloquence encompasses various forms.
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