Cognitive Constructs and their relationship to Learning and Recall skills among Secondary Stage Students
Cognitive Constructs, Learning and Recall Skills, Secondary Stage StudentsAbstract
The aim of the research is to identify cognitive structures and their relationship to learning and recall skills for middle school students, and what is the relationship between them, and for the purpose of verifying this, the researcher built a cognitive structures scale consisting of (30) paragraph, as well as building a scale of learning and recall skills, consisting of (35) items, and after verifying the psychometric properties of the two research tools according to the research sample, which amounted to (300) male and female students from the preparatory stage, who were chosen by the stratified random method. The results showed that the sample members have the ability to arrange the information and thus be built in a way that the student understands, which leads to cognitive structures as a result of learning. Through this cognitive process, the student can retrieve or recall the information he needs in the educational situation he is exposed to, and that the information is characterized by coherence and the existence of interrelationships. The statistical results showed the existence of a positive direct correlation between cognitive structures and learning and recall skills, and this is due to the students' interest in information that is consistent with their cognitive needs in the educational situation for the purpose of processing and benefiting from them. Based on the results of the current research, some recommendations and future proposals were reached.
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