The Role of Geo-Spatial Technologies in Smart City



  • Mofareh Qoradi Department of Geography, College of Arts, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia



Smart Cities, geospatial technologies, Location intelligence, Internet of Things


By presenting an overview of smart cities, their components, dimensions, and success factors for the shift to smart cities, this study investigates into a comprehensive review of the smart cities concept. Due to the diversity of the city's functions, the substantial overlap of numerous scientific disciplines related to the infrastructure components of smart cities, and the scope of the city's digital development, there is no single unanimously and universally accepted definition of smart cities. More than 75% of human activities in the smart city are related to geographical location, including the location of services, pathways, land uses and tracking, etc. . 

Thus, the contribution of geospatial technologies to the development of smart cities and its different facets becomes apparent. By analyzing user data and spatially connecting them to digital maps, pinpointing maintenance locations, providing technical support, analyzing pollution sources in the city, developing spatial solutions to reduce traffic accidents by analyzing the frequency of accidents and their locations, and conserving city resources through rational consumption and management are all facilitated by geospatial technologies the active management of these resources.

Significantly enough, this study recommends working on preparing the current traditional cities by developing their digital infrastructure, developing the communication and information network within, equipping city facilities with sensors and cameras, and linking them spatially through the Internet of Things(IOT) to measure analyses and build fundamental indicators for the transition towards smart cities which has become a necessity and a strategic option to enable cities to encounter challenges in the future .


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Author Biography

  • Mofareh Qoradi, Department of Geography, College of Arts, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

    PhD in Geography


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How to Cite

The Role of Geo-Spatial Technologies in Smart City: A REVIEW. (2023). Al-Adab Journal, 144, 241-268.

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