Digital morphometric analysis of some basins and valleys of the Samawah desert
river basins, Abu Ghar valley basin, topography, morphometric characteristicsAbstract
The basin of Wadi Abu Ghar and the basins associated with it are considered to be river basins that are characterized by their dryness in most days of the year as a result of being located within the desert region in the western part of Iraq, which is characterized by its dryness in most days of the year, as water flows in it during the rainy season only after the rain falls first. And as a result of the occurrence of torrents and floods that are produced due to the arrival of large quantities of water from the highest and steepest areas, and accordingly, the morphometric characteristics, whether the spatial, morphological, topographical, and drainage characteristics, have a major role in explaining the nature of the natural characteristics such as height, slope, ruggedness, etc., which in turn leads to The occurrence of water runoff contributes to the formation of a stratified sedimentary column Also, the morphometric characteristics vary in their impact on the sedimentary product that forms the stratigraphic column of the river basins, and this is done using modern geographical technologies, as well as making use of topographical maps and satellite visuals. More than one scientific approach was used, and the mathematical approach was used through the use of mathematical equations to know the formal, topographic and drain values, as well as the use of the descriptive approach as well as the analytical approach to analyze the spatial and topographic data that were extracted from the application of mathematical equations.
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