Strategic effectiveness (collect - suggest - discuss) in Central Thinking Skills for Biology in the Fourth Scientific Grade
effectiveness, strategy (collect - suggest - discuss), pivotal thinking skillsAbstract
The research aims to determine the effectiveness of the strategy (Collect - Suggest - Discuss) in the central thinking skills of fourth-year scientific students in the biology subject. To achieve the goal of the research, the following null hypothesis was developed:
There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average scores of the students of the experimental group who will be taught according to the strategy (Collect - Suggest - Discuss) and the average scores of the students of the control group who will be taught according to the usual method in pivotal thinking skills. To test the validity of the hypothesis, the experiment was applied and the experiment was chosen. The researcher has an experimental design with partial control for the experimental and control groups with a post-test for pivotal thinking skills. The research sample was chosen intentionally by the researcher and they are students of (Excellent Secondary School for Boys - Morocco) fourth scientific grade, from the schools of the Directorate of Education of Baghdad Governorate, Al-Rusafa/1. The sample amounted to The research included (180) students distributed among (6) classes. Random selection fell on Class (D), numbering (30) students, to represent the experimental group, and Class (B), numbering (30) students, to represent the control group. They were rewarded with the variable (intelligence, age). Timeframe, test of pivotal thinking skills. The researcher prepared a tool to test pivotal thinking skills. The final test consisted of (30) essay and objective items. The validity and reliability of the test were calculated, as the test data were analyzed and treated statistically using (T-test) for two equal independent samples. The difficulty factor, the discriminatory power, and the effectiveness of the incorrect alternatives for the paragraphs were extracted, using (Kuder-Richardson-20), the Cronbach alpha equation, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the standard deviation. The results of the post-test showed that there was an effectiveness for the strategy (Collect - Suggest - Discuss) in skills. Pivotal thinking for the benefit of the experimental group, and in light of the research results, the researcher developed a number of recommendations and proposals.
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