The role of museums in preserving Iraqi heritage and antiquities


  • Ghosun Muzhar Hussain Al-Mustansiriya Center for Arab and International Studies Mustansiriya University
  • Saba Hussein Mawla Al-Mustansiriya Center for Arab and International Studies Mustansiriya University



Archaeology, Heritage, Museums


Museums reflect the extent of interest in history and heritage, as they provide a clear picture of multiple aspects of the nation’s history and the cultural identity of the people. In light of this, the establishment and establishment of museums is a national necessity through which the preservation of the folklore and the protection and preservation of the cultural heritage, in order to define its vocabulary as a national wealth, the role of museums at the societal level is to raise awareness among the citizen of the importance of preserving his heritage as a historical witness to the authenticity of the people. Future generations can learn about their history, the history of their ancestors, and the cultural heritage of their people. The cultural and civilizational past can only live through activating the cultural memory, so the museum is one of the important places in activating this memory just as the museum is the place that links us with the past, through monuments and properties Cultural, it is a testament to the past in which all the material traces left by the former are preserved. Museums are a public institution concerned with collecting the accumulations of the history of the civilized development of the country from the earliest times to the present, and presenting them to its residents and visitors and tourists. Museums, whether literary or historical, are among the most important and easiest means to educate society and transfer knowledge to them, because whoever does not know the history of his nation remains ignorant forever.


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الموقع الالكتروني




How to Cite

The role of museums in preserving Iraqi heritage and antiquities. (2019). Al-Adab Journal, 225-236.

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