Openness to Experience and its Relation with Sense Of Humor for students of college of Art-university of Al Qadisiyah


  • Ahmed Abed al-Kathem Johnny كلية الآداب – جامعة القادسية



الدعابة, الطلاب


This research aims at defining openness to experience a sense of humor and his relationship with the students of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Qadisiyah. The number of respondents was (200) students were chosen random manner. To measure this goal has been to build openness to experience a measure which is in its final form of (26) items as well as the researcher built a sense of humor scale, which is in its final form (18) items, was extracted for each of the instruments the terms of validity and reliability, and the application of appropriate statistical methods. The most important results of the study indicate that the students of the Faculty of Arts . openness to experience, there is no difference with statistically significant differences in openness to experience in accordance with the type variable, as well as the study found that the students of the Faculty of Arts, known for their sense of humor, there is no difference is statistically significant on the humor scale on according to the variable type, and the results indicated a lack of correlation between openness to experience a sense of humor to the students of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Qadisiyah. Find and conclude a number of recommendations and proposals



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Educational and psychological sciences

How to Cite

Johnny, A. A. al-K. (2020). Openness to Experience and its Relation with Sense Of Humor for students of college of Art-university of Al Qadisiyah. Al-Adab Journal, 115, 521-556.

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