Social campaigns and its effect on drug prevention
a field study on a sample of families in the Emirate of Sharjah
drug prevention, drug prevention programs, social campaigns, parents, university studentsAbstract
The current study aimed to identify the extent to which the drug prevention campaigns provided to parents in the Emirate of Sharjah follow international standards for drug prevention, and to identify this evaluation according to Gender and the work of the mother or father and educational achievement, and how these campaigns can be developed, and to achieve the goals The study: A questionnaire was prepared based on the theory of social control, which was applied to a stratified random sample consisting of a parent of students at the University of Sharjah in a proportional manner, and using the social survey approach. The results indicated that the campaigns presented follow international standards for drug prevention when designing prevention campaigns presented to parents, and there is a difference between males and females in their evaluation of the campaigns, and there is a difference in evaluation according to the educational attainment of the parents. The study recommended intensifying the campaigns because of their effectiveness in reducing drug abuse.
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