Self-determination and its relation to integrative complexity style among the Postgraduate Students


  • Tariq Mohammed Bader College of Arts - Al –Qadisiyah University



self-determination, Integrative Complexity Style, students, postgraduate studies


The concept of self-determination that affects students’ achievement is a tool for recognizing their strengths, and the role of cognitive methods as a person’s distinctive methods in favoring and activating information, and through those cognitive methods, we can predict, to a reasonable degree, the type of behavior that can be performed by individuals who differ in their methods. knowledge as they face different life situations. Accordingly, this research was applied to a sample of (400) male and female postgraduate students who were chosen by the stratified and proportional method. To achieve this, a scale was built to measure self-determination according to (Deci & Ryan, 1985), which in its final form consisted of (33) paragraphs. And another to measure the method of integrative synthesis (abstract - macroscopic) according to the theory (Harvey et al., 1967), which in its final form consisted of (22) paragraphs; Using the appropriate statistical methods, the results of the research indicated that graduate students are characterized by self-determination, and that there is a statistically significant difference in self-determination according to the gender variable in favor of males, and the same difference is in favor of doctoral students, and that graduate students prefer the method of integrative and abstract synthesis; There is a statistically significant difference in this method according to the variable of sex and in favor of males, with the presence of such a difference in favor of doctoral students, with the presence of a direct correlation between the two variables of the research amounted to (0.41), and the research concluded with some recommendations and suggestions.


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Author Biography

  • Tariq Mohammed Bader, College of Arts - Al –Qadisiyah University

    Asst. Prof. (Ph.d)


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Educational and psychological sciences

How to Cite

Bader, T. M. (2023). Self-determination and its relation to integrative complexity style among the Postgraduate Students. Al-Adab Journal, 144, 121-142.

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