Impact of brainstorming in expressive performance and creative thinking when fifth grade students literary
brainstorming, creative thinking, expressive performanceAbstract
Objective of this research is to know the impact of method of brainstorming in expressive performance and creative thinking when fifth grade students literary.
To achieve the objective of the research, the researcher chose a sample of
(74) students were divided Lynn two experimental and control groups, rewarded them in chronological age, and academic achievement for parents, and degrees of the previous year. After determining the scientific article five topics expressive, and the adoption of Criteria for Qaisi developed to measure the performance expressionist, was chosen scale Torrance Creative Thinking, was checked by his sincerity and firmness and objectivity, and after teaching the experimental group according to brainstorming, and control according to the way normal. We found the average posteriori tests in expressive performance, and application of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, has been directed by the average level students groups after the application to know statistical significant differences between the two groups.
Reached the conclusion that outweigh experimental group control group students demonstrating positive use brainstorming when teaching speech fifth grade students literary, as well as more than experimental group on the control group students in innovative thinking, indicating the superiority of brainstorming too.
The researcher recommended a number of recommendations, the most important of which are:
1 - Adoption of brainstorming when teaching speech.
2 - Confirmation of this model during the preparation of Arabic language teachers.
The researchers suggested a number of proposals including:
1 - to conduct a study similar to the current middle school students.
2 - a balance between study brainstorming and one of the other models of thinking in expressive performance.
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