Religious Thinking between subordination and Individualism in Ancient Iraq
subordination, Individuality, protective deity, skepticismAbstract
Evolution and renewal are considered, with a high probability, a feature of human thought throughout the ages, as it went through several transitional stages, starting from mythical thinking to scientific thinking, and that this development was not limited to a specific civilization or a specific group of people. Anyone who is familiar with the ancient oriental thought, especially the thought of the civilization of Mesopotamia, and traces the intellectual path of this authentic civilization, will see the extent of the development that this civilization witnessed. Thought in it began with a tendency toward subordination of man to his gods, represented by blind obedience to them in addition to the saying of pluralism to the great powers that run the universe and man’s fears of them, followed by the development of the intellectual variable from pluralism to the feature of exclusivity and the emergence of the idea of a mediating and protector God, and the thought itself oscillated between certainty and doubt , with the beginnings of the growing individualism of the people of Mesopotamia civilization, reaching the stage of absolute skepticism, and an attempt to improve the religious and moral system. This indicates the extent of the development witnessed by human thought in the civilization of Mesopotamia at that time.
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