Human resource development in the Emirate of Dubai from a leadership perspective
A field study on a sample of leaders in the governmental, semi-governmental and private sectors
human resource development, human resources, leaders, Human Capital, the Emirate of DubaiAbstract
This study summarizes the necessity for diverse specializations within the Emirati community by uncovering the professional opinions of the leaders within the human development sectors in Dubai, regarding the current reality and future of human development, as well as the comparison between the current reality and the supposed-reality given by the leaders within these sectors. By using a Qualitative approach, this study shows the results of interviewing numerous leaders within the Human Development sectors (including federal, local, and governmental). The interview has concluded our study with 3 main points proving that: (1) the Emirate of Dubai pays close attention to the plans and policies aiming to improve the skills of Emirati individuals, with (2) the importance of having institutions ensure the Emirati community are at their full potential. However, (3) the study also revealed that the leaders strategizing for human development have failed to establish their future plans and ensure the Emirati community functions at its greatest potential by not providing any initiatives aimed to foresee the future in human development. Although it is important to note that there have been a few projects initiated, it’s still not enough to satisfy the need for training and improvement within the sectors.
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