Forest problems in Dohuk Governorate and the possibility of treating and Silviculture
Forests, Forest problems, Environmental pollution, Forest Fires, Forest management, SilvicultureAbstract
Natural and artificial forests in Iraq in general and the study area in particular have multiple problems, some of which may be similar to the problems of forests found in other Arab countries and others may differ from them. The most important problems that led to the deterioration and decline of the natural forest area in Iraq can be limited to two groups of factors:
- Human (human) problems.
- Environmental and climate problems (natural).
Forests in Dohuk Governorate are exposed to a series of human and natural problems that lead to the deterioration and decline of productivity. The most important of these problems are (human and natural fires, unjustified and ill-considered felling, overgrazing, shifting cultivation, urban expansion, climate change, and agricultural diseases and pests).
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تركيا تحرق غابات دهوك بقصف مدفعي، موضوع اطلعت عليها الباحثة بتاريخ: 5/9/2022 على منصة:
تقرير منشور على الرابط الاتي: اطلع عليه بتاريخ (15/7/2022)
احتراق آلاف الدونمات من غابات دهوك جراء النزاع التركي مع"PKK", موضوع اطلع عليه بتاريخ : 22/9/2023 على موقع:
بيانات عن محافظة دهوك من موقع وزارة التخطيط، حكومة اقليم كردستان، هيئة احصاء اقليم كوردستان:
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