The role of Social Service Centers in the Emirate of Sharjah to reducing violence against women
A field study
Social Services , Protection centres , Violence , WomenAbstract
The research aimed to determine the role of women’s protection centres in Emirate of Sharjah, in terms of different types of violence against women. To achieve this, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of (9) items that measure the role of women’s protection centres in dealing with violence and the most common types of violence that were dealt with. The study sample included (13) social workers, and the most vital finding is that, there is a large and effective role for women’s protection centres in reducing violence against them. The results also presented that there are multiple types of violence against women, the most prominent and widespread of which is physical and verbal violence, where their percentage reached 69.2%, and then alimony, which reached 23.1%. The most important causes of violence against women are Lack of awareness of the rights and duties of both spouses, the wife agrees to violence because she is afraid of her family and society and the lack of religious motivation and lack of understanding of the issue of guardianship in the correct sense. The most prominent results of the study on the causes of violence against women are the wife’s educational level is higher than the husband's, and the fact that the woman does not work while her husband works, especially in the private sector.
The study suggests that to eliminate the violence against women, educating should be done about their rights and duties and encouraging reporting of violence directed against them.
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