Types of Slurring in the Syriac language

(a comparative Semitic linguistic study)


  • Amal Addie Pauls University of Baghdad/ College of Languages




Slurring, Pronouns, Nouns, Verbs


This research deals with the types of diphthongs in Syriac language, compared to Semitic languages such as Arabic and Hebrew, which share this phenomenon. The mention of the most important types of diphthongs in these languages is with the aim of reaching grammatical rules and phonetic provisions that distinguish these languages from all other languages. The phenomenon of immersion is one of the living phenomena in Semitic languages, and it has attracted the attention of many linguists and grammarians. The diphthong is a phonetic phenomenon that occurs because of some adjacent sounds on each other, and the goal of the dwarfing is to reduce the pronunciation of some sounds in the tongue of the speaker, the reader, the chanter, or the chanter. It also diphthong appears clearly during hymns, intonation, or recitation in Semitic languages, especially in the Arabic language. Diphthong of (nun) is a natural phenomenon that occur in all Semitic languages, and it is the most fonts in which this phenomenon occurs. In this research, we used the comparative method, which compares the diphthong phenomenon in Syriac language with its sister languages ​​like Akkadian, Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic, in order to know the results of this diphthong.


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Eastern linguistics and literature

How to Cite

Pauls, A. A. (2022). Types of Slurring in the Syriac language: (a comparative Semitic linguistic study). Al-Adab Journal, 1(143), 509-528. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v1i143.3896

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