The contributions of the family role in distance education

Emirate of Abu Dhabi as a model


  • Ruqaia Altnaiji University of Sharjah - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - United Arab Emirates
  • Asst. Prof. Omaima Abouelkheir, (Ph.d) University of Sharjah - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - United Arab Emirates



family, e-learning, role, Corona, (COVID-19)


The world witnessed a major event that threatened education with the largest crisis in modern history, which is considered the most dangerous, represented by the Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic, which caused the disruption of more than 1.6 billion students from education in 161 countries, which is nearly 80% of registered students In schools all over the world, this came at a time when some countries in the world are suffering from the deterioration of the educational system. The current study seeks to identify the reality of the role of the family (father - mother) in educating children remotely, in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi during the Corona pandemic. And the family’s role in educating children remotely during the Corona pandemic according to some variables such as (gender, academic achievement, income), and the descriptive approach (qualitative and quantitative) was followed, and the questionnaire tool was used to collect data by adopting the theory of social interaction as a theoretical framework for it. The current study relies on a (intentional) sample of 50 fathers and mothers. One of the most important findings of this study is that there is a large role for the family in helping and monitoring children during the Corona pandemic, which can be considered the main role in educational systems, as the family was responsible for following up on the student’s progress, supervising his academic achievement, and the activities he performs. These results are in agreement with many previous studies, and the results of the current study revealed that there are statistically significant differences in favor of mothers in helping children, meaning that mothers help children more than fathers, and statistically significant differences in favor of (lower income), meaning that families with higher incomes help her children more. The study recommended the necessity of conducting online courses to familiarize the family with everything related to modern methods of education, in order to be able to deal with technological devices and solve technical problems and other obstacles facing children and the family in the distance education process, to inform and train them on the most important applications that are used by education systems different schools.


Author Biographies

  • Ruqaia Altnaiji, University of Sharjah - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - United Arab Emirates

    PhD student

  • Asst. Prof. Omaima Abouelkheir, (Ph.d), University of Sharjah - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - United Arab Emirates

    Associate Professor of Sociology


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How to Cite

Altnaiji, R., & Abouelkheir, O. (2023). The contributions of the family role in distance education: Emirate of Abu Dhabi as a model. Al-Adab Journal, 1(146), 527-548.

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