Stability of Ibn Sallam
Stability, heritage, ancient, new, classes, standards, motivations.Abstract
This study starts from "Stability" as a term used by some critics and contemporary scholars to talk about the position of Muhammad ibn Sallam al-Jumahi in his book "Layers of the Poets" of the conflict between the old and the new in literature. This issue has clearly emerged in our Arab literary and monetary heritage, and the writers and critics have divided into three sections: some of them are old-fashioned fanatics , and some of them call for renewal, and some of them took a middle position between them and those. Ibn Sallam had a distinct position among the most prominent names that form the first section of the three sections.
This study has stopped in aspects of Stability in detail, especially in relation to the standards adopted by the division of the poets ten layers .The study then went on to attempt to trace the reasons that could be the proponent of the author's approach and what was included in his book, supporting this, as quoted by other critics whose position was similar to that of Ibn Sallam
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