The Social marginalization and its relationship with the Subversive personality


  • Adel Khudhair Ubais Al-Abidy Education Al . Qadisiya/Personal and mental health



Social marginalization, subversive personality


The research aims                                                                                

Measure .the Social marginalization and the destructiveness personality.  To 

Defining the differences in the Social margianalization and destructiveness personality according to gendar (males & females ) besides to identifying the correlation between Social margianalization and destructiveness personality,    

In order to accomplish thr researchs aims, the researcher adoption Al-Shammari.2013   scale which consisted of (28) paragraphs to destructiveness personality  , and Gallie scale ,2002 which was  translated  by Al-Janabi,2014 which consisting of (19) paragraphs Social marginalization acheived the validity and the ability and psychometric devices, the two Measures where applied to sample amounted to (200) students "males & females"The data where statistically processed , and the results concluded that evening studies                                                         

Students they suffer from the. Social marginalization and destructiveness personality-and There are differences in the destructiveness personality between males and females and in favor of males,while there are no differences in the Social marginalization .Moreover, there is a correlation between the Social marginalization and subversive personality. In light of the results, the researcher set of recomendations and suggestions.


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Educational and psychological sciences

How to Cite

Al-Abidy, A. K. U. (2020). The Social marginalization and its relationship with the Subversive personality. Al-Adab Journal, 133, 241-270.

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