Linguistic Differences in Interpretation from the Guidance Hudaa Alquran Al-Mddirsy
differences, context, synonymy, use, interpretationAbstract
This paper deals with the phenomenon of linguistic differences among words، as it is a feature of language. The concept of linguistic differences in the Quranic vocabulary and in the terminology of the scholar of interpretation book of Huda AL-Quran by Al-Mudarisy. The research tries to show the linguistic differences in Arabic between words like ghaith and matter ، khawf and Khishiya، shari’a and Minjaaj ، basira and Ruyiaa، khatia and Athm and baneen and Awlad. These ords are mentioned in the interpetatded of the book Huda AL-Quran، to which Mohammed Taqi Al- Mudarisy has referred.
What we are about is meant by those words that agree in meaning in their general context and differ in specifics, semantics and lexicon It is capable of revealing these semantic peculiarities, and by following the Qur’anic usage, these special indications become clear , And clarifying the differences in these vocabulary leads to knowledge of the existence of speech and standing on the facts of the meanings , There are many words in which it is believed that the meaning is the same, but there are differences between them that make each word its own meaning , Interpreters of the Qur’an have taken care of clarifying the differences between similar words in the Holy Qur’an , Which refutes the idea of synonymy held by some ancient linguists , Among them is Sayyid Muhammad Taqi al-Madrasi in his interpretation of “From the guidance of the Qur’an”
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