The dialectic of women and poetry

(Introduction to Study of Emirati Feminist Poetry)


  • Hamda Ibrahim AlAwadhi Department of Arabic Language and Literature- College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – University of Sharjah Sharjah- U.A.E.
  • Prof. Abderrahmane Bouali Department of Arabic Language and Literature - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – University of Sharjah Sharjah- U.A.E.



women's poetry, women's literature, world literatur, women's poetry


This research first discusses the vital and prominent role that women played in the field of literature, and in the field of poetry in particular, and how the personalities of women poets were distinguished in human history, from ancient civilizations to our modern days, until we found in every country, country or region, a female poetic art Distinguished by its presentation, visualization, imagination, and rhythm. Secondly, it discusses the two main concepts of criticism, namely the concept of "feminist literature" and "women's literature", which provoked a wide discussion. Thirdly, it discusses the emergence of women's poetry in the United Arab Emirates, the uniqueness of this poetry in its Arab surroundings, and the uniqueness of each of the poets of the United Arab Emirates, with her own style and form of writing. This made our discussion on this subject a serious introduction to the study of Emirati women's poetry.

I have divided this research into three areas or areas or topics, namely: women and poetry in the world, women and poetry in the Arab world, and women and poetry in the UAE, with reference to the most important female poetic names.

We concluded the research by placing the conclusions that appeared to us through our research on this subject.


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Author Biographies

  • Hamda Ibrahim AlAwadhi, Department of Arabic Language and Literature- College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – University of Sharjah Sharjah- U.A.E.

    Graduate student

  • Prof. Abderrahmane Bouali, Department of Arabic Language and Literature - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – University of Sharjah Sharjah- U.A.E.

    Professor at the University of Sharjah - Department of Arabic Language and Literature


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Linguistics and Arabic literature

How to Cite

AlAwadhi, H., & Bouali, A. (2023). The dialectic of women and poetry: (Introduction to Study of Emirati Feminist Poetry). Al-Adab Journal, 1(146), 149-170.

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