أثر الشخصية الأدبية العربية في مطولة "ليلى والمجنون" للشاعر فضولي البغدادي

دراسة مقارنة


  • Shehab Gomaa Ibrahim جامعة بغدادـــ كلية الآداب/ قسم اللغة العربية
  • Youssef Iskandar جامعة بغدادـــ كلية الآداب/ قسم اللغة العربية



الكلمات المفتاحية:

شخصية قيس، شخصية ليلى


تهدف الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على شخصية البطل واستقصاء الأثر والتأثر بين الأدب العربي من جهة، ومطولة " ليلى والمجنون " للشاعر فضولي البغدادي من جهة أخرى، وقد تناول البحث شخصيتين رئيسيتين وهما قيس بن الملوح وليلى العامرية وما ألقت ظلالهما على ملحمة الشاعر فضولي البغدادي، وتتبعت الدراسة الحياة الشخصية لهاتين الشخصيتين ومراحل حياتهما المادية والمعنوية.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


Al-Abbas Bin Al-Ahnafs Diwan, Explanation and Investigation of Atika Al-Khazraji, Doctor of state in Literature ( Sorbonne ), Egyptian House of Books Press- Cairo, First Edition 1373 AH- 1954 AD .

Antara Bin Shaddad Court, investigated and presented to him by lawyer Fawzi Atwi, Lebanese Company for Book Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Beirut – Lebanon, first edition 1388 AH – 1968 AD .

Diwan Jarir, Beirut House for Printing and Publishing 1406 AH- 1986 AD , ( D . I ) .

Explanation of Sarih Al-Ghawani Muslim bin Al-Walid Al-Ansari, who died in the year 208 AH, on his investigation and commentary on it, Dr. Sami Al-Dahan, member of the Arab Scientific Academy in Damascus, House of Knowledge, third edition 1985 AD .

Ibn Hani Al-AndalusiDiwan ( 326 – 362 AH – 937 – 972 AD ), Dar Beirut for Printing and Publishing 1400 AH – 1980 AD ( D . I ) .

Laila and Majnun in Arabic and Turkish Literature from the linguistic point of view, ( PhD thesis ), Researcher : Ahmed Shawkat Fedaioglu, College of Arts – University of Baghdad, 1408 AH – 1987 AD .

LEYLA VU MECNUN, FUZULI, perpared by : Huseyin Ayan, New Oriental Library, Istanbul, 1924 .

Narrative techniques in theory and practice , Dr.Amna Youssef , Arab Foundation for Studies and Publishing , second edition , 2015 AD .

Poet Fuzuli Al-Baghdadi, from the researches of the International Festival 17 – 19 September 1994, House of General Cultural Affairs – Arab Horizons, Iraq – Baghdad – Azhamiya, first edition 1995 AD .

Studies in the criticism of the novel , D. TahaWadi , Dar Al Maarif , Cairo third edition , 1994 AD .

The Court of Ibn al-Wardi, the distinguished scholar and literary scholar Zain al-Din Abu Hafs Omar bin Muzaffar bin Omar al-Wardi al-Shafii691 – 749 AH, verified by Prof.Dr. Abd al-Hamid Hindawi, Professor at the Faculty of Dar al-Uloom – Cairo University, Dar al-Horizons al-Arabiya: publishing – distribution – printing, first edition 1427 AH, 2006 AD.

The Diwan of Imur al-Qais, edited by Muhammad Abu al-Fadl Ibrahim, publisher : Dar al-Maarif, Egypt, third edition 1389 AH- 1969 AD.

The Diwan of Qais ibn al-Malouh Majnun Layla, the novel of Abu Bakr al-Walbi, study and commentary by Yusra Abd al-Ghani, Muhammad Ali Baydouns publications, Dar al-Kutub al-Iımiyya, Beirut – Lebanon, first edition 1420 AH – 1999 AD.

The Diwan of Shab al-Zarif, Shams Al-Din Muhammad IbnAfif Al-Din Sulayman Al-Tlemceni (661-688 AH), investigated it, completed it and interpreted ShakirHadiShukrs words, Najaf press – Najaf al-Ashraf 1387 AH – 1967 AD.

The fictional character, Hanan Ali, website : The Civilian Dialogue Foundation, issue 4182 on 12 / 8 / 2013 .www.ahewar.org .

The poet of IbnNabatah al-Masri, the famous flying poet and eloquent preacher, Sheikh Jamal al-Din bin Nabatah al-Masri al-Faruqi, who died in the year 768 AH, House of Revival of Arab Heritage, Beirut – Lebanon, which is a great poetry collection that was not preceded by the Qibalan edition (D. T. I).

The Poetics of Fuzuli Al-Baghdadi, Abdul aziz Samin Al-Jumhuriya Press – Kirkuk, First Edition 1392 AH – 1973 AD.






علم اللغة والأدب العربي

كيفية الاقتباس

Gomaa Ibrahim, S., & Iskandar, Y. (2021). أثر الشخصية الأدبية العربية في مطولة "ليلى والمجنون" للشاعر فضولي البغدادي: دراسة مقارنة. مجلة الآداب, 2(136), 47-62. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v2i136.1273

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