The impact of language contact in a bilingual translation class
bilingualism, language contact, translators, linguistic differences, learnersAbstract
This effort focuses exclusively on the realization of the phenomenon of language contact and the impact it has on the language behavior of users. Each two languages, or more, by one way or another may get into a contact situation when they are alternately used by the same person. Among the situations where both languages would be exposed to contact that of the translation class covered by this study. The present effort highlights the example of French and Arabic languages used alternatively by university level translator-learners, specifically by third year students.
After having shown the aspects of bilingualism related to the subject, and following a corpus elaborated to trace the source of the problem, being the realization of the contact of languages in the class concerned, we notice that the phenomenon is actually realized and that negative impacts are seen in the production of the translator-students as to the translating activity. In this respect, all the gaps in the pedagogical situation are identified and effective solutions are therefore proposed in order to cope with the linguistic problems which hinder any progress made by the translator-students. It is a matter of establishing measures to avoid, or at least reduce, the negative impact resulting from the meeting of two different linguistic systems, which affects the performance of translators in the process of learning.
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