Colloquialisms as A Means of Expression in D. Robina's Story "Lubka"


  • Wafaa Khidhir Mohammed Ali Dept. of Russian, College of Languages University of Baghdad



simple words, dialogue words sample of words, word-groups, reference, additional meaning


In this paper, the use of simple colloquial words by D. robina in hers story "Lubka". The choice of such words has been made so as to be studied, analysed, and distributed into groups in accordance   with the appropriate methodology.

By the analysis, we have arrived to the fact that the simple colloquial words used in the story by D. Robina have their own thematic references. The sixty-six words have been distributed into three semantic groups, involving forty-two words of negative meanings. This means that the distribution of simple colloquial words is contingent upon their basic negative meaning.


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Foreign linguistics and literature

How to Cite

Colloquialisms as A Means of Expression in D. Robina’s Story "Lubka". (2020). Al-Adab Journal, 133, 1-6.

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