disruptive behavior and Cognitive Failure for Preparatory stage students


  • محسن صالح حسن الزهيري وزارة التربية - كلية التربوية المفتوحة




disruptive, behavior, Cognitive


the research objectives are conducted to the following :

1- To know the level of disruptive  behavior for Preparatory stage students     

2- To know the level of Cognitive Failure for Preparatory stage students 

 3-To know the relationship between the disruptive behavior and Cognitive Failure for Preparatory stage students                                

 The current research has determined sample of Preparatory forth stage students (scientific and literary) for both males and females in Baghdad (morning studies) for 2014-2015.                                          

Theoretical frame

This research viewed several adoptes in  The research procedures

                                                                        results    Building  

                   Adopting disruptive  behavior scale   1-

(Suhail 2007) and Adopting Cognitive Failure scale(AL - Kipiy) after assures its truthes and stability on its articles   

                    -2-The two mentioned measures were applied at the same time on  sample educational counselors   (200) students   male and female students during 24 - 29/3/2015  .the researcher used the following . Data had been    analyzed with help of statistic programs for social sciences in data    process(SPSS)

As a result, it had been reached to results listed below                       

 1- The research results showed that the Preparatory stage students not     adopted disruptive  behavior                                                                    2-results showed that the Preparatory stage students endowed with  Cognitive Failure  3-Results showed that there is nigtive connection relationship

  between for Preparatory stage male and female students disruptive  behavior and Cognitive Failure                     

The researcher submitted some recommendations andsuggestions                                        



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How to Cite

الزهيري م. ص. ح. (2019). disruptive behavior and Cognitive Failure for Preparatory stage students. Al-Adab Journal, 1(116), 585-614. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v1i116.471

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