Anhedonia and its relationship to Persistent Depressive Disorder among University students
Persistent Depressive Disorder, University Students, AnhedoniaAbstract
Mood disorders in adolescents have drawn growing attention in research recently. Cases of sadness and mood disorder in adolescents are particularly attributed to the sensitivity of this segment of society towards the severe social pressures, such as disturbance in familial relationships, abuse, neglect, and academic failure. The vast majority of adolescents have been observed to suffer from neglect and/or abuse. Depressive disorder patients have some form of abuse and neglect. Over the past twenty years, health care professionals have made a intensive efforts to identify and better understand mood disorders in adolescents. Researchers used to believe that teenagers did not have enough of mental maturity to suffer from depression, but they found that depression is common among teenagers, and they are susceptible to the same types of depression as adults. Certainly, the response to depression has roots in feeling of loss of pleasure, whether real or assumed, the output anger turns into input loss. This indicates that the original loss had been repressed, and the consequent loss raises feelings related to it, regardless of its nature, whether this loss is of a person, of status, or moral support of friends. The researcher adopted Watson et al.’s (2021) scale for anhedonia. The Anhedonia Scale for Adolescents (ASA) consists of (14) and five-point alternatives (always, often, sometimes, rarely, never). Likewise, the Mason et al (1993) scale for persistent depressive disorder was adopted, which consists of 20 items and five alternatives (rarely, mild, moderate, above moderate, severe). The results showed that university students have average Anhedonia. In regards with the significance of difference according to the gender variable (male/female), it was in favor of female university students.
On the other hand, the prevalence of persistent depressive disorder reached (23.91%), with regard to identifying the significance of the difference according to the gender variable (male/female) among university students. Likewise, the significance of difference according to the gender variable (male/female), it was in favor of female university students.
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