Abdullah Saqr pioneered the Emirati short story
the short story, Emirati literature, Abdullah SaqrAbstract
The beginnings of the emergence of the Emirati short story go back to the seventies, and over time, the UAE witnessed a cultural momentum in various aspects of literature and creativity through a constellation of writers and artists. Some of them were distinguished by their abundance of production, and some of them were few in their literary works, but the merits of the Emirati short story are generally emanated from the influence of its writers on the local culture, such as the human relationship with the sea or with Bedouins, or monitoring the rapid changes in Emirati society, and many of those who dealt with the short story appeared, including the storyteller. Abdullah Saqr, who was pioneering and pioneering. Hence, our research is founded to define the achievement of this creator. To what extent did Abdullah Saqr contribute to the emergence of the short story in the United Arab Emirates, and what was the role that Abdullah Saqr played in the emergence and development of the Emirati story?
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