The Employment of Public Relations in Persuading the other to Lift the Sports Prevention on Iraq

An Analytical Study of the Activities and Methods of Public Relations in the Ministry of Youth and Sports for the Period from 1/1/2017 to 1/6/2018


  • Kareem Meshet Zalaf Al-Moussawi College of Media / Public Relations Departmen



Iraq, Sport, the ban


This research states the problem of what are the public relations activities and methods in order to convince the International Football Association of the branch of sports prevention on Iraqi stadiums, which was imposed five times in 1985, 1990, 2003, 2009, 2013, for many reasons, including wars and security conditions and poor organization and other political reasons. In Iraq, there are six international stadiums conform to specifications FIFA decided to lift the partial ban From the Iraqi stadiums during the establishment of friendly matches in the stadiums of Basra, Erbil and Karbala. The importance of this research, as it states the serious problem suffered by the Iraqi people a lot of depriving from playing on his territory and in front of his audience. We have relied on the analytical description and the tool of analyzing content in the analysis and interpretation of the activities and methods of public relations in the Ministry of Youth and Sports. This research included three chapters: the first chapter is the methodological framework, the second chapter is the title of persuasion in public relations, and the third chapter is devoted to the analytical study. At the end of the research, the researcher prepared a set of practical conclusions that he reached, which is the most important of persuading the other in organizing the stadiums, providing security and safety, building sports fields, holding international friendly matches, and receiving international players. We concluded in the research a set of recommendations that we consider appropriate in this field, relying on many sources and scientific references related to this research.


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Author Biography

  • Kareem Meshet Zalaf Al-Moussawi, College of Media / Public Relations Departmen


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How to Cite

Al-Moussawi, K. M. Z. (2019). The Employment of Public Relations in Persuading the other to Lift the Sports Prevention on Iraq: An Analytical Study of the Activities and Methods of Public Relations in the Ministry of Youth and Sports for the Period from 1/1/2017 to 1/6/2018. Al-Adab Journal, 128, 529-566.

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