Scene and place in the novels of Sheikh Sultan Al Qasimi
Scene, place, novels, Sultan Al QasimiAbstract
This study depends on classification of narrative scene in the novels of Dr. Sultan Al Qasimi, as it deals with its themes, setting, and its characters. It confirms the historical occurrence of the facts and the denial of any additions or fantasies in his novel. The narrative scenes are not fiction or away from the truth.
The study dealt with the concept of place, and it gives an aesthetic formation to narrative text, especially as it is the base in novel structure and the main factor for characters development. So, the narrator gave great attention to place in his novels because it has aesthetic effect on the scenes.
The study focused on the issue of how the novelist can aesthetically from place element in narrative text and what are the indications of place in the novels?
We dealt with the aesthetic formation of place through its relation to the description. We shed light on different points of view in the impact of the concept of place on the narrative text, the changes in the technical structures of place and the impact of traditional and modern structures on the scenes of Dr. Sultan Al Qasimi's novels. We dealt with place of the scenes where the narrator combined geographical and historical formation of place. Also, we dealt with studying the narrative scenes in terms of type of places: opened and closed place and the diversification between them. We also dealt with the aesthetic impact of place on narrative structure.
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