Spatial variance of age inactive population (12 years and over) and its spatial analysis in Iraq for the year 2021
spatial variance, economically inactive, cluster analysisAbstract
extent of their spatial variation, and what are the variables associated with that, and to reach the relative size of the spatial relationships associated with the phenomenon, the statistical bag (spss) was adopted using the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the research reached a set of results, the most important of which is The rate of the economically inactive population aged (12 years and over) in Iraq reached (67.4%) for the year 2021, It varied according to the governorates, as (Dhi Qar governorate) ranked first with a rate of (76.1%), while the governorates of (Erbil and Babil) came with the lowest rate of (65%) for each. Among them in the rates of the study phenomenon and its variables in seventeen stages, and the most homogeneous of them were the governorates of (Nineveh and Maysan), with the highest coefficient of convergence between them reaching (1.6), while the most diverging were the governorates of (Dohuk and Nineveh), where the value of the convergence coefficient between them reached (202).
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