Social & Economic problems for retirees Sharjah Government

A qualitative study


  • Noora Ahmed Altamimi University of Sharjah
  • Khalil Al-Madani, Phd. University of Sharjah



Retirement, Social problem, Economic problems, retirement system, United Arab Emirates, The retirement system, government of Sharjah


This study aimed to revealing the most important social and economic problems of the retired men and women of the Government of Sharjah. To achieve these goals, the qualitative approach was used, where the study sample consisted of (30) retired men and women from the Government of Sharjah, they were chosen intentionally, and the in-depth interview was used as a tool for the study.

The results of the study showed that the most prominent social problems they faced after retirement were that leisure time increased after retirement, as well as family disputes increased after retirement, and that family members did not care about them, and that their social status and social relations diminished after retirement. After retirement, communication with co-workers is less. As for the most prominent results related to the most important economic problems of the retired men and women from the Government of Sharjah, they are the insufficient retirement pension to cover the expenses and financial obligations of the retiree and his family, the high prices significantly, and that a large number of them did not work to pay or settle their debts before retirement, in addition to not saving an amount of money to use after retirement, or invest some savings in low-risk projects.


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How to Cite

Altamimi, N. A., & Al-Madani, K. (2022). Social & Economic problems for retirees Sharjah Government: A qualitative study. Al-Adab Journal, 2(143), 455-488.

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