Khadija al-Hadithi and her scientific role in Iraq
Historical study
language, Arabic, Khadija, HadithAbstract
Khadija al-Hadithi was known as an important figure in Arab science and culture. She was born in the province of Basra, an important city in the history of the Arabic language and a center of the intellectual and scientific movement.
Khadija Al-Hadithi completed her studies at the University of Baghdad, and obtained her Masters and PhD degrees from Cairo University.
She taught grammar in local and Arab universities, wrote more than twenty-three research papers, discussed and supervised many university theses and theses, wrote and interpreted the most important books of the Arab and linguistic heritage, so her life became abundant in literature and academic and cognitive achievements in Arabic language sciences.
Khadija Al-Hadithi is an important teacher of grammar, who studied and spent her life to introduce us to Sibawayh, and she became a catalyst for scientific innovations and a path of diligent academic work.
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