The history of epidemics in the Arabian Gulf in the 19th centuries


  • Fatima Mohamed Hassan Aljaberi Master's Student - Department of History and Islamic Civilization - University of Sharjah
  • Maher Alshamailah Department of History and Islamic Civilization - University of Sharjah - Assistant Professor



Epidemics, Arabian Gulf, Health, 19th Century


Humanity has been through difficulties since ancient times that led to the end of the lives of many human beings, and one of the most common epidemics, epidemics threatened the lives of humans in the regions because of the ease of spread between them and the lack of sufficient science in matters of health, each epidemic was called a popular name famous in the region and these names are inspired by something related to the disease, some studies agree that the cause of the spread of epidemics in the past is the dependence on popular medicine to face the epidemic of what leads to the disease The destruction of the body and the proliferation of victims what exacerbated these risks in the past was the lack of modern medicine in the Gulf region, so the simplest diseases such as measles and malaria could lead to death.

In addition to the lack of modern medicine, poverty has played a role in the spread of epidemics, and the effects of these diseases are not limited to humans, but there are devastating economic, social and environmental effects, and there are studies that prove the seriousness of epidemics on human and animal wealth and natural resources .epidemic diseases in the 19th century: chickenpox, hepatitis C, typhoid fever, cholera, tuberculosis, spinal fever, measles, Spanish influenza and plague, these epidemics have emerged in the Arabian Gulf and there are certain areas where the epidemic has spread the most and here are also factors that helped spread these epidemics.



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How to Cite

Aljaberi, F. M. H., & Alshamailah, M. (2022). The history of epidemics in the Arabian Gulf in the 19th centuries. Al-Adab Journal, 1(140), 279-296.

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