The ministry and its development in the Mamluk era
ministry, political system, minister, Abbasid eraAbstract
The ministry is considered the cornerstone of any political system, and this is due to the significant role that the minister plays in the state and his mediation between the ruler and his subjects and his bearing of many tasks and tasks.
The ministry has diversified into two ministries: the Ministry of Implementation and the Ministry of Delegation, each of which has specific matters and conditions that distinguish it from the others.
The minister is chosen based on his good management, transparency, integrity, safety of members, and dignity, in addition to his justice, honesty, and politics. The king also has rights towards the ministers, and in return, the minister has rights towards the king or the ruler.
The ministry was followed by the position of the Grand Imamate, and its name shows absolute support. The ministry developed in all eras and each era had its own characteristic, until the ministry became what it is in the modern state, so each party had its own ministerial position such as Minister of Finance, Minister of Health, etc.
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