Economic Life in Al – Sham Lands Through Book Dictionary of Countries For Yaqout Al-Hamawi (Date: 626 AH - 1228 A.D.)
economic life, the Levant, the dictionary of countries, Al- HamwiAbstract
The marked topic of the research included (Economic Life in
Al – Sham Lands Through Book Lexicon of Countries for Yaqout Al-Hamawi (Date: .626 AH - 1228 A.D.)) for many researches. First topic included brief points about biography of Yaqout Al-Hamawi, his bringing up, periods of his life of he passed them, his professions, his journeys to more of cities, countries, development of his geographical experiences, his initiation of writing his great geographical dictionary, explaining these cities, countries and their news until he settled in the city of Aleppo in which he died after completing his well-known book (Dictionary of Countries).
As for the second topic, which included Al – Sham Lands in terms of its name, location, borders based on what Yaqout Al-Hamawi mentioned, supported by what historians stated about the origin of the name, clarification of the concept of Al – Sham Lands, determining the location from the seven regions which were mentioned, indicating the borders, area of Al – Sham Lands that Yaqout Al-Hamawi referred to them.
While the third topic discussed the basic point of research that deals with the economic life of Al – Sham Lands, including water resources, their sources and their importance for agricultural production. Such as explaining the most important types of crops, at the forefront of which are the cultivation of various grains, fruit trees and orchards are scattered throughout Al – Sham Lands. The topic also dealt with the industrial components , the most significant industries which Yaqout Al-Hamawi referred to , in the context of his speech about the various cities , regions of Al – Sham Lands, as well as the trade that has popular markets inside and outside Al – Sham Lands , such as referring to the transportation route , the entries , their importance in the economic life that Yaqout Al-Hamawi has witnessed them , especially the internal roads that connect Al – Sham Lands cities with each other , external roads which are link between east and west. Which link Al – Sham Lands with other countries which resulted in the prosperity of economic life that reflected positively on the social, financial life of the state and community.
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