Eastern Region Ports on the Arab Gulf and Their Role in the Civilizational Development
A Historical Study
Eastern region history, Arab Gulf Ports, Aqir Port, Eastern Region Ports, Contemporary History of the KingdomAbstract
The study aimed to show the historical, economic and civilizational role of the eastern region ports on the Arabian Gulf from the dawn history until the modern age, by tracking the commercial movement and human contact with the peoples of the ancient world until the modern history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as those ports have affected the movement Human history since all of the Greek, Roman, ignorant and Islamic eras, especially during the Abbasid rule, and its subsequent impact on the movement of trade and maritime control in the Ottoman era, up to the establishment of the kingdom in the twentieth century, where the researcher was keen to use both historical and descriptive research methodologies together to analyze And extracting the main information and data, the researcher reached that the ports of the eastern region due to its strategic mediating position between the civilizations of the ancient world, especially the port of the ancient Aqir, as well as the ports of the eastern region in the modern era challenge the most important tributaries of development and civilization progress through those times for what it has played and is still playing An actor in the prosperity of human civilization, knowledge transfer and commercial exchange.
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