العلاقة الجدلية بين الدين والأخلاق في فلسفة كانط النقدية
كانط, فلسفة, الدين, الأخلاقAbstract
Kant tries hard to focus on moral value, not on religious value, confirms that the human act, such as truth, for example, does not really represent well because God ordered him, but is a good deed because it carries the value of good in itself and does not acquire it from an external authority, in this way, deeds are evaluated, it contradicts the religious view prevailing in most religious institutions, and not all of them, which state that the moral value of human action stems from the source of religious legislation, it also contradicts the social view that the moral value of human action stems from social custom and inherited tradition, as well as the utilitarian view that this value is linked to the consequences of the humanitarian act.
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