The implied systematic in the erotioc poetry of Abi- Nu'as
Abi- Nu'as, poetryAbstract
The entrance of different cultures to the Islamic nation raised or brought up a conflict
between those cultures and its consistency against the Islamic culture, and this led to the poet Abi-Nu’as to live in a psychological crises due to the conditions of the age as feebleness of those cultures, and the commitment of Islam.
These contradictions led to the implied series which participated in the heyday and the tumult of Abi-Nu’as and this led him to the indulgence in the dissipation which interne led him to be free to say anything in his mind.
Nowadays there is a new type of conflict about textuality and systematic or and this led to the problem of confrontation between these two approaches. This causes us to gather the two conflicts in one study.
The first part deals with the problem of systematic and literary text, the second part deals with the collective systematic in the poetry of Abi-Nu’as, the third part which is the core of the study talks about the erotic poetry of Abi-Nu’as and his implied systemic , the authority of manhood and the vain of women , the study ends up with the conclusions and references of the study.
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