A study and Criticism of “The Arabic translations of Selected Contemporary Persian Short Stories”

(selected short stories (Mahi Siah-e Cocholo) written by Samad Behrangi and the short story (Farsi Shakar Ast) written by Mohammed Ali Jamalzadeh)


  • Jasim Raddam Mahmoud Dept. Of Persian Language /College Of Languages/University Of Baghdad




Arabic translation, translation criticism, contemporary short story, Mahi Siah-e Cocholo, Farsi Shakar Ast


The connection between Persian literature and the Arabic has a long history. The beginning of the Iranian studies in the Arabic world goes back to the second half of the twentieth century after establishing departments for Persian literature in the Arabic universities. The Arabs, who specialize in the Iranian studies, study different types of Persian literature and the translation of contemporary Persian short stories becomes a priority in their research papers.

If we have a look at the books, essays, thesis and dissertation that have been written in the Persian short stories field in the Arabic countries, we find that the share of this type of literature is larger than any other literary type. The Arabs specialize in Iranian studies pay a great attention to this field. Despite the fact that dealing with Persian short stories in the Arabic world faces some obstacles in the beginning, it becomes a reason to make Arabic readers and those who are interested in the contemporary Persian stories more acknowledged even the number of them is little.

We deal in this research paper, both through study and criticism, “The Arabic translations of Selected Contemporary Persian Short Stories”, in the context of different subjects such as a look at the translation of contemporary Persian short stories in the Arabic world and criticism and study of Arabic translation for selected short stories (Mahi Siah-e Cocholo) written by Samad Bahrangi and the short story (Farsi Shakar Ast) written Mohammed Ali Jamalzade.


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Eastern linguistics and literature

How to Cite

A study and Criticism of “The Arabic translations of Selected Contemporary Persian Short Stories”: (selected short stories (Mahi Siah-e Cocholo) written by Samad Behrangi and the short story (Farsi Shakar Ast) written by Mohammed Ali Jamalzadeh). (2021). Al-Adab Journal, 1(137), 825-860. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v1i137.1149

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