The Tourism Climate & his Obstacles in Erbil City

(A study IN Applied Climate)


  • Rezhen Akram Qadir Department of Tourism Organization Administration, College of Administration and Economic, University of Salahaddin-Erbil, Iraq



Geography of Tourism, Tourist, Tourism, Tourism industry, Climate Standards


Tourism climatic elements represented by (solar radiation, thermal extremes, atmospheric humidity, rain precipitation, wind with increased occurrences of dust phenomena) and its obstacles were studied in the city of Erbil for the period (2000-2019). The research showed that each of the (May and October) months is considered one of the ideal months for tourism among all months of the year in light of the (Missenard) and (spile and passel) criteria that were applied in the city, and the study concluded that the ratio of ideal months in the Erbil city ranges between (17-50%) of the month's year, while the percentage of imperfect months ranged between (50- 83%)



(*) Klawsen finds that there is no perfect climate anywhere in the world.

(*) For more information, see the study of Al-Saffar, Bahri Salem Fattah, which aims to demonstrate the spatial variation of tourism climate patterns in Erbil Governorate, in a doctoral thesis entitled (Spatial Variation of Tourism Climate Patterns in Erbil Governorate) published in the Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics and Social Sciences, No. 36, Issue 1, 2020

(*) The continental is extracted according to Johnson's equation

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How to Cite

Qadir, R. A. (2021). The Tourism Climate & his Obstacles in Erbil City: (A study IN Applied Climate). Al-Adab Journal, 1(137), 485-512.

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