Examination of applying the Pure Love Concept in the story of Shaikh Sanan and Salama Alqas


  • Ali Mohammed Moazzeni Tehran University, Iran
  • Ali Ridha Imammi Tehran University, Iran
  • Bushra Abara Tehran University, Iran




Pure Love, Shaikh Sanan, Salama Alqas


This paper, as its title shows, is a comparison between Shaikh Sanan story and Salama Al-qas story. Examination of concepts of Shaikh Sanan and Christian maiden story shows that this story has features of pure love and is qualified to be compared with Salama Al-qas . These two stories are examined in terms of romantic concepts and issues regarding to pure love in lyric literature and the connection of pure love (virtual) with true love (actual) in mystical literature

Displaying similarities and differences between these two stories in terms of thinking, cultural, and religious differences of those periods of time will be attracted by researchers’ attention to explore other lovely theater with new approach and compare them with each other regarding to pure love.


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Eastern linguistics and literature

How to Cite

Examination of applying the Pure Love Concept in the story of Shaikh Sanan and Salama Alqas. (2018). Al-Adab Journal, 1(126), 532-551. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v1i126.75

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