Masjid Alkufa AlJamii (KUfa Mosque) Architectural Development with comparable study of the current architecture with the historic novels concerning the planning and building of the mosque
Alkufa, Almasjid, aljamii, alruwayat altarikhiya, al Athar, altanqibatAbstract
Alkufa mosque has special importance with regard to the archaeological and historic aspects, being one of the first mosques built outside the Arab peninsula during Islam, in addition to the spiritual position for all Muslims of the world in the present time. It is also related to major events the Islamic history witnessed, in addition to its major and distinguished role in development of the scientific movement. It had prominent role in teaching because the mosques in different ages were centres for learning and science seeking. It took the place of universities in the present time before independent scientific schools were built during the Late Abbassi age, as it is well known.
According to this spiritual, political and scientific importance Alkufa mosque was characterized by, it underwent many renovations, reconstructions and building additions some of which involved the whole mosque and led to change its architectural features. Others were limited to some parts of it.
In the present time though the mosque underwent partial renovations; however they changed its archaeological features. Some of these involved the whole mosque which led to loss its historic identity and its archaeological importance as we will notice through the research.
The research is divided to 3 axes presented with introduction on colonization of Alkufa city, the 1st axis involves the mosque since establishment in the Rashidi age until the end of Al abbssi age, whereas the 2nd research involves the study of the mosque condition during the Al-Ilkhaniiya period, being adopted as the basis for the current architecture as mentioned in details by the voyagers. It represents the architecture; some of its architectural elements reached us. Some of it still exists like the outer fence and the supporting towers; the 3rd axis is involved to study the current architecture.
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