The effect of the Tigris River in settlement big oil refineries in Iraq


  • منى علي دعيج ألجامعة المستنصرية / الجغرافية الصناعية / كليه التربية



river, Tigris, oil, Iraq


The process of oil refining are are complex and because the complex mixture of a number of chemical compounds, oil is made up of hundreds of vehicles ranging boiling point of 160-350 m, and is intended refining is the process of separating the oil into parts homogeneous serve in the performance of a particular purpose by distillation towers and uses Steam in a wide range condenses and separates oil products in the form of water remains the proportion of hydrocarbons, also used different types of water and in large quantities in oil refineries such as cooling water used in condensers and heat exchangers as well as process water which is about water containing salts and oils .

    The concentration of pollutants increases with the continued rotation of the water and reused so, whether the water resulting from steam intensify MM cooling water, process water, they contain certain ratios of pollutants that must be addressed before you paid into the Tigris River Refiners-oil, mostly complaining of the foot, which does not allow refining operations on crude oil under the scientific equation, which states that the substance be Input equals extra so they are not equal to the outside and this difference which lies pollution where the loss situation steam and that steaming air or contamination of material form heavy acted by sewage inside the refineries into the Tigris River.

Correlation between oil refineries sites and water resources there and to the use of water in large quantities in the process of separating petroleum products (oil refining), at a time which increases the need for water to increase the population and development of civilization, we find that there is a need increasingly to derivatives and oil trend towards increasing need to build or expand oil refineries.

For this research aims to examine the relationship between large refineries need to water which is used in large quantities and the water of the Tigris River and the impact on water requirements for other purposes .

Find assumes that there is a significant impact of large oil refineries in Baiji and Baghdad on the amount of running water in the river and in the contamination and that the continuation of this dangerous big on people's lives and on aquaculture and economic activity in the valley, and is a problem in front of geographical research can be formulated through the following it had to  What is the influence exerted by the large oil refineries on the banks of the Tigris River, even though he is the center of the concentration of population in the basin between the refineries and water requirements and what is the impact on the quantity and quality of the Tigris River water and this problem content three Investigation, namely :

1- Water revenues of the Tigris River and volatility

2- Large quantities of oil refineries and water withdrawal

3-oil refineries and the Tigris River water pollution



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How to Cite

دعيج م. ع. (2019). The effect of the Tigris River in settlement big oil refineries in Iraq. Al-Adab Journal, 1(116), 527-548.

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